“Kalai is a great coach and trainer who is able to see and explain all the small details so you can get that extra edge to be smoother and quicker in the rodeo arena. Kalai has trained several horses of mine for barrel racing, team roping, and breakaway roping. One mare that I sent him to run barrels on went on to both the National High School Rodeo Finals in Farmington, NM and then to the National College Rodeo Finals in Casper, WY. If you want a solid rodeo horse and someone who truly cares about you reaching your goals I would hands down recommend sending your horse to Kalai."
- Kalysa Hamilton
"Kalai is a very awesome kids coach and teacher. I consider myself very lucky and blessed to have my 3 children taught by him. Kala'i provides a very safe, calm, and stress free environment for them to learn in. He is so patient and encouraging, making them want to do their best and learn more. Not once have I seen Kala'i mistreat, roughly handle, or roughly discipline a horse. He has the utmost respect for all of the horses he comes in contact with. Kala'i has set such great examples for my children. In helping my daughter to train her own young horse, Kala'i has helped her to drastically improve her riding and taught her to become more consistent on her cue's while working her horse. She also has become more aggressive and has a lot more confidence in the rodeo arena."
- Bulla Mockchew
T: +1 808 896 7449 | kalainobriga@gmail.com
"Kala`i Nobriga is a positive instructor who views the needs of horse and rider and what technique is best to support both in and out of the riding arena. The horses he has worked with and those he currently work with perform in a variety of riding disciplines, some are solid ranch working and trail riding horses, parade horses and some are high end performance horses. Most of them are all around horses able to do ranch work all week and weekend in a parade or performance arena (barrels, team roping, calf roping, working cow horse, cutting, gymkhana). Currently my family has 4 horses he has trained and they are all around horses. My children are active in Hawaii High school rodeo, community rodeos and ACTRA. They continue to grow and have success in the arena due to having solid well minded animals to compete on. They have learned and continue to learn better horsemanship and skills to communicate with their animal in a way that helps them maximize their ability. Kala`i has patience, clear instruction and brutal honesty. When you ride a good horse you want to be a better rider. Above all he is one of the most humble people I know and that humility is evident in his instruction. My kids don't go to rodeo to be better than anyone else, they go to do their best and improve their skills and horsemanship.......they want to achieve their personal best. The best part.......responsibility........horse care is a big responsibility for all. I recommend KN performance horses for your training and horse purchase needs. "
-B. Haalilio